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6 min read
Our Evolving Universe
THE WORLD IS CHANGING FAST. Science and technology are evolving at mind boggling speed. In the world of ideas, the age of reason is...
8 min read
Signs Within Science
AS THE THE MESSIANIC REDEMPTION unfolds, one of the social trends predicted by Torah sources is the revolution that is now underway in...
4 min read
Swords Into Plowshares
IN THE LAST WEEK of January 1992, President George Bush announced that he would be redirecting a major portion of the United...
10 min read
The Persian Gulf War
THE PERSIAN GULF WAR of 1991 has a unique significance in the unfolding of the Messianic Redemption. Throughout history, it has been...
10 min read
Prophecy Fulfilled
WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO? The darkest hours have passed and dawn is breaking, not only for the Jewish people but for all of humanity....
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