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PURIM 5784/2024

Updated: May 31

Purim 5784/2024 was super busy!

After Shabbos, on the evening of Purim, we gathered at the Shul for the reading of the Megilah and a short Purim celebration with some music entertainment, by Mr. Alex Perk.

Purim morning, we gathered at the Shul for Shacharit, Megilla reading and Purim party - fulfilling all the Mitzvot of Purim!

Throughout the day we hosted Purim parties at a number of homes and Condo buildings in the neighborhood, making sure EVERYONE gets the opportunity to celebrate and fulfil the Mitzvot of the day.

The finale of the day was joining the grand city-wide JRCC Purim banquet "in the wild west" at the Beis Yaakov Ballroom - full with a delicious menu, music. dancing. entertainment and inspiration!

Enjoy the pictures!

Purim Night

Megillah reading at the Shul


Purim Morning

Shacharit and Purim party at the Shul


Purim parties

5430 and 5444 Yonge St


Purim Banquet

JRCC Willowdale joined the City-wide JRCC

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